Our curriculum is delivered through a combination of play-based experiences, inquiry projects, and intentional teaching during group times. Our team of educators consider all areas of children’s development and base their curriculum plan on what they know about each child as well as their specialist knowledge on quality early childhood education. We continually design, assess and reflect on our teaching and learning program using Literacy and Numeracy Indicators and The Early Year’s Learning Framework (EYLF). The EYLF describes five learning outcomes including:

  • Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

“Children’s learning in preschool builds on their early learning experiences at home, in their culture and community, and in early childhood services. Learning in preschool includes social, emotional and physical learning and development, alongside and in conjunction with language and cognitive learning and development. This holistic approach ensures a focus on the whole child whilst also setting the foundations for success in literacy and numeracy.”

Department for Education 2022, Preschool Position Statement, p. 4.

Inquiry Projects: Throughout the day, educators observe and record children’s interests, curiosities/questions, and theories about their world.

Preparation for an Inquiry Project:

  • Once patterns arise around a topic, educators have discussions with children and brainstorm some learning possibilities.
  • Educators may scaffold children’s learning with resources (e.g pictures, books, songs and toys), setting up provocations (e.g play areas for children to explore, investigate and experiment), and/or researching and arranging incursions/excursions.

Process and Documentation of Inquiry Learning:

  • We have discussions, research, extend learning with excursions and visits from experts or people in our community, and reflect on our learning.
  • Our inquiry learning is recorded through photos, writing children’s oral communication, children’s artwork and symbolic representations, and learning stories/pedagogical documentation.
  • Inquiry Projects may be very short or may continue for several weeks or terms.